Sedona Gateway Fall Retreat

The Divine Synthesis of Sacred Knowledge

The Fall Gateway Retreat

Four Life-Changing Days with the Rishi

October 22-25, 2020

The Sedona Fall Gateway ignites a new beginning in the life of your soul. It is a divine gateway in time that shifts the very nature of your reality to become fully aligned with your greatest potential for this lifetime. It is a gateway in time that activates your greatest positives to become aligned, actualized and made manifest. It is a monumental gateway that makes a global difference. It is a celestial opening of the highest order.

The Fall Retreat with the Rishi manifests an auspicious gateway for the transmission of Supreme Light, the Akasha of the Masters and the Holiness of Spiritual Initiation. Sacred knowledge transmittal is specific to each retreat, empowering initiates to navigate rapid transition and world conditions with wisdom and clarity. Gateway Retreats provide a phenomenal spiritual elevation that redefines your potential of higher purpose for a life legacy of mastery and divine service. Offered four times seasonally each year, each gateways is matrixes to fulfill your soul’s “essential learning,”  to propels your progression of actualized awakening.


Divine Synthesis

The October Fall Gateway provides a very sacred purpose to focus on the phenomena of Divine Synthesis. A experiential mastery entraining of the highest order for opening the thresholds of  higher consciousness, to become adept at utilizing all life experience to fulfill the essential learning that completes your karmic wheel for this lifetime. Divine synthesis creates inner unity, cohesion and coherency, for the unification of all aspects of oneself, leaving no gaps in time or consciousness.  To comprehend, utilize and embody the laws and principles of Divine Synthesis, is to master the four progressions of Omni Awakening, take initiation and become over-lighted by the Great Masters to the greatest degree allowable for your stage of awakening. The mastery of Divine Synthesis empowers your soul mandates. The igniting presence of the Rishi continues long beyond your first retreat, to quicken and assure consummation of the higher purpose for which you have incarnated into the physical earth plane.


Divine Synthesis

The October Fall Gateway provides a very sacred purpose to focus on the phenomena of Divine Synthesis. A experiential mastery entraining of the highest order for opening the thresholds of  higher consciousness, to become adept at utilizing all life experience to fulfill the essential learning that completes your karmic wheel for this lifetime. Divine synthesis creates inner unity, cohesion and coherency, for the unification of all aspects of oneself, leaving no gaps in time or consciousness.  To comprehend, utilize and embody the laws and principles of Divine Synthesis, is to master the four progressions of Omni Awakening, take initiation and become over-lighted by the Great Masters to the greatest degree allowable for your stage of awakening. The mastery of Divine Synthesis empowers your soul mandates. The igniting presence of the Rishi continues long beyond your first retreat, to quicken and assure consummation of the higher purpose for which you have incarnated into the physical earth plane.


The Rishi Has Opened Her Doors

The Mataji Rishi bestows the palpable radiance of Christ Consciousness and the profound phenomena of Omni Awakening. Her western sanctuary in Sedona is a sanctified global focal point of the Great Masters, that emanates a continual outflow of divine illumination. The selective nature of her private retreats and programs is designed to impart the power of accelerated awakening and transformation to those who are called to the wisdom and mastery of authentic service. It is your desire to become a divine instrument that attracts divine grace and power into your life. It is the undeniable light of your inner calling that opens the Rishi’s door.


Attendance Overview

Each Gateway Retreat is limited to a small, intimate group who are accepted for their readiness, karmic merit and higher life purpose. We invite you to be aware that The Rishi is committed to mentoring twelve souls into their full enlightenment in the upcoming years, making her admittance of no more than twelve souls into each a retreat an auspicious factor that furthers her mission as a western regent. We warmly invite you to request attendance. Early request is advised for acceptance into each retreat that you wish to attend. Attendance to a Sedona Gateway Retreats is prerequisite for The Path of Enlightenment annual program for initiates, adepts and spiritual proteges.

Candidate Application

Sedona Gateway Retreats

Tuition fee: $30,000
*non-inclusive of lodging
*inclusive of daily luncheon buffet

Sedona Gateway Retreats are open to accepted applicants, who may attend as often as desired. It is advised not to delay in submitting your application for admittance, if you are sincerely interested in taking part in this extraordinary opportunity. * A small number of work-trade exchanges are available. If you are interested in a staff position to assist with the retreat, please make an immediate request to Omni Institute, the Rishi’s sponsor organization:

Apply for Acceptance

Read Retreat Guidelines

Learn more about Retreats with the Rishi

Rare ~ Refined ~ Remarkable

Sedona Gateway Retreats are unlike any other retreat experience. Each retreat is specifically attuned to the unique energetics of your retreat group, to provide an intensified focus for your awakening, healing and ascension.  It is the unique purpose of the Rishi’s private retreats to also activate the siddhi-abilities that enhance your evolving mastery and endeavors of divine service. Each Gateway Retreat creates a living matrix of highly concentrated divine light to trigger tipping points for the succession of positives that most serve your expansion of influence.  Of monumental significance, is that the Rishi’s private retreats are powerfully over-lighted by the spiritual hierarchy and also serve as a major planetary conduit for the emanation of God Consciousness.

For the Few Who Will Influence the Many