From the Rishi…
“As you step forward to serve the Divine Plan, the living light of the Prime Directive for awakening is increased ten-fold to become truly exponential in your life. This unprecedented increase of divine energy is sent forth to balance the scales, empowering you to transmute darkness to light. The very ethers are quickening with the holy light of divine genesis. It is your deeply-willed intention that truly answers the Clarion Call. Let your heart lead the way and your higher purpose will follow.”
he Western Regent -- Rishi Devra Adi Maa


We stand at one of the most trying times in history. We also have a monumental fertility of positives that is destined to be manifest through the western channels of opportunity that are being synchronized. Enlightened mastery is the rising sun of a new era. Never before has your opportunity been greater.

The Triad of Royal Raja

Spiritual   Material   Divine


The Prime Directive for Modern Mastery

Modern mastery is the new frontier for awakening in this century. It means that initiates are called to “be in the world, but not of the world” and to do so with an excellence of endeavor that sets new examples, new matrixes and new patterns of human exchange. Sacred Stewardship is our collective mandate, no matter what our specific mandates might be. To serve from the highest accord, initiates must not only go through the illumination of self-realization and the spiritual initiations that so powerfully amplify and accelerate the path of omni awakening, they must also master their mental, emotional and physical bodies to become the instruments of divine service.

An Externalizing Regent of the Ascended Masters… The great externalization of the existence of immortal beings  has been in planning and preparation for many thousands of years. The Rishi’s over-lighting presence and in-the-world mastery examples the evolutionary shift that integrates all there planes of existence;  the material,  the spiritual. and the divine. Her clarion call for egoless co-creation, selfless service and using the mirror of material reflections as the means of ever-greater applied, sacred knowledge is the divine design of externalizing the spiritual hierarchy to become the living guardians and elders of the race.


Regents of the Spiritual Hierarchy

As humanity awakens, it is a monumental discovery to realize that there is a cascade of divine manifestation that naturally moves from the causative principles of the purely divine, to etheric, spiritual blueprints, to material plane concretization. The existence of the Great Masters, Spiritual Guides and Beings of Light is now an acknowledged reality for millions of souls. The time of externalization of spiritual beings into wide-spread human experience has begun, whereby the plethora of spiritual life that exists beyond the physical is becoming common knowledge.


Instruments of Divine Service

Our Beloved Mataji Rishi is one of seven, planetary regents who serves the reunion of the spiritual kingdom with humanity, a welcome prospect of great significance for the time of ascension that has begun. She is assigned to the western hemisphere and more specifically to the Western United States, although her life experience is international and expansively informed from a global perspective. The unity of all souls and nations is the work of the Great Masters, in aspiration to evolving a benevolent society that honors and upholds a prospering, peaceable and sustainable planet. The arduousness of her preparation over many lifetimes allows her to step forward to assist this historic surge in the evolution of human consciousness, as the earthly dimension is lifting up to commence the ascension into the divine evolution that is our true birthright.

Global Broadcasts with the Western Regent -- The Rishi -- Rishi Devra Adi Maa


~ with Rishi Devra Adi Maa ~

Mataji Rishi provides timely World Broadcasts from the Great Masters that move waves of love, illumination, wisdom and advisement across the globe. The preparations for ascension that began decades ago are now far more specific in message and information to provide clarity and guidance especially during pivotal periods of catastrophic disruption due to climatic, societal and political upheaval. Above all, the mission of her World Broadcasts includes guiding a dynamic, tipping point for unity consciousness and mutual collaboration amongst world servers, humanitarians, environmentalists, scientists and artistic leaders of every vein. To further the spirit of global unity, Rishi Maa graciously offers Private Audiences to like-minded groups, organizations and leaders for collaborative endeavor as her obligations permit.

Listen to World Broadcasts

Learn about Private Audiences


Golden Flame Fellowship

The Golden Flame Benefactors Group engages philanthropy, wisdom-giving and endowments for the Rishi’s enlightened enterprises in a unified sponsorship of her life mission. The great work of her Regency deserves our foremost dedication of attention and expertise to “put the love back into the money,” a profoundly practical quote from the Rishi’s teachings. We serve as the “in-the-world” backbone that executes a spiritual directive of the highest accord to not only create sustainable, divinely-empowered wealth for world good, but to also change global financial dynamics by doing so. To assist the enlightened endeavor and enterprise of deserving efforts around the world is also our mission. Through our unity of service, we open ourselves to receive divine amplification of finances to the fullest outflow of prosperity consciousness, ultimately for the transformation of global finances.

Golden Flame Fellowship

Donations of Love and Wisdom


Divine Purpose and Enlightened Endeavor

Service leadership is the true north that will uplift humanity. Mataji Rishi serves the monumental tipping point for innovators and change agents to liberate the human spirit to manifest its most noble expression of Christ Consciousness. Her renowned Path of Co-Creation offers an astounding syllabus on the spiritual empowerment, bringing the application of sacred knowledge into enlightened enterprise to assure a sustainable future that serves all world citizens. The Rishi’s True North Leadership Program conveyed in the auspicious power of Sedona, Arizona is an unprecedented opportunity for life-changing breakthroughs that set a new course for your legacy lifetime of world service.

True North Leadership Program

Private Sessions

Private Retreats

Mentoring for Awakened Leadership
by Request and Acceptance via

From the Rishi…
“We, the fellowship of masters, are undertaking an extraordinary mission to provide a global focus in Sedona for the coordination of the Divine Plan, to which we are humbly sworn to a most sacred oath. Our broadcasts of wisdom and advisement across the globe will be ongoing, especially during pivotal periods of disruption and change. Above all, I am mandated to assure a dynamic, tipping point for unity consciousness and the flowering of enlightenment for those whose time has come. It is the enlightened heart that will chart a new course for humanity. What was once but a shimmer of hope and aspiration is now divine destiny becoming manifest.”

Royal Fire Intensives

Sedona Programs, Darshans and Special Occasions

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