The Rishi’s Call to Enlightenment and Service to the Divine Plan Sedona, The City of Light that Empowers World Change. A powerful transmission message from the Living Rishi, Devra Adi Maa on the presence of the Great Masters, their continual work behind the scenes on behalf of spiritual seekers and initiates and the empowerments that are building the collective momentum for global awakening, world change and enlightenment as the new frontier. The significance of Sedona as a focal point for God Consciousness that is supporting global change and higher consciousness. Receive the Rishi’s radiance of presence and her profound message of world salvation. Her Clarion Call to the power of the Divine Plan is tangible and palpable, as you attune, sense and feel the vibration of her message of “The Most Certainty,” a divine will empowerment for seekers, initiates and word servers.
Background Music – Artist: Steven Halpern Song: Om Suite Om
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