From the Rishi

“There is much to be revealed over the coming decades about the existence of the ascended masters and far more regarding the process of externalization that is now in full swing. While I have been prepared for many life times to bring the light of revelation about the great ones into world view, I play my part with humility and reverence and also with forbearance and a loving humor regarding the skepticism of humanity in general as well as the resistance, ridicule and rejection that I have encountered throughout many life as I have sought to carry forth the noble mantle of externalization such as that which shines light upon the existence and purposes of the great ones.
My contact began in earnest and quite consciously so as a preadolescent during the post-world war era, with direct appearances to me on a regular basis, making the masters as real and normal a part of my life, as encountering the local post master who delivered our family mail each day. Yet, it was a quick and swift measure of the secrecy that would attend my experiences by necessity shortly thereafter and for perhaps over twenty painful years, that speaking of the revered ones would be a rare conveyance, due to the reactions that occurred when initially offering a glimpse of the “divine world” that became known to me at a very early age and was so vividly confirmed as masters of great light commenced to manifest in their light bodies in my bedroom, as well as celestial beings from other star systems.
What sustained me in my certainty of the truth about what I witnessed and was blessed to experience, was the astounding, permeating love that was so radiant when the appearances took place. Despite the skepticism, shunning and shaming that took place upon even the mildest of mention, it was the presence of love that left me in a knowing reverence and deep undeniable spiritual confidence about the Masters, who began training me in the ageless wisdoms, universal truth and sacred knowledge. My conventional studies during my high school years, paled into the distant background in relativity to the telepathic education in light that I received that thankfully became integrated into my consciousness, sparing me the dear cost of being swallowed by influences of society, never again to emerge from the shadowlands of complete denial, ignorance and rejection of anything out of the very rigid norms, common to my generation of conforming, patriotic citizens who pursued the American Dream of material obsession.
Thus it was, that the deep and abiding relationship with the Great Masters of our planet, our solar system and beyond, that such a treasured part of my life did not undergo a reveal, until much later, when in my forties one could say that I “came out” from behind any previous timidity, to openly make my life-long knowledge, work and instruction with the Masters an open part of my everyday life, my family life and my in-the-world affairs. It was in Sedona Arizona in 1990, that the lid blew off of any and all hesitation and I openly stepped forward with the knowledge of the Great Ones and commenced the divine work of holding forth as a messenger, teacher, and revealer of the spiritual hierarchy.”
The list that I provide is a compilation of the more commonly known masters from many lists I have gleaned from studies or from direct contact and have created over the years, that makes no effort to convene an accurate rank and file listing of the spiritual hierarchy, let alone the countless saints and noble souls whose names would fill an entire treatise. There are many indigenous souls, Native Americans and those who have long ago been lost to history, who attained enlightenment and continue to assist humanity from the other side, who in all accuracy are among the universal fellowship of free and liberated souls. Some names on this inadequate but informative list, are of the earthy souls, whom after ascension, used their ascended name, such as Master Sananda who is better known as Jesus, or Master El Morya who is better known as Moses.
Although imparted with great love and the wish to be of service, this meager compilation is none the less partial at best, and also fails to also name the many living rishis and enlightened souls who have pierced the veils to become God-Realized while still in physical incarnation. There are many, many sanctified counsels, lodges, divine orders of guardianship, fellowships of knowledge and solar houses and a host of unnamed saints, holy men and women, newly ascended masters and living rishis and nirmakayas, and of course those Avatars of the Godhead who have embodied to lead humanity from darkness to light.
Yet, it is my hope that to be made aware of the fellowship of enlightened beings who do in fact exit, upon many dimensions of universal life, of which humanity is an integral part, brings much hope and light and grace to all those who are receptive. What I will assure you of, is that each of us is a member of a true family of light. It is a simple matter of allowing your soul’s intuition to be trusted, the veils to be parted and your divine memory to be roused into full revelation of the truth, of not only the existence of the great universal fellowship of enlightened beings, but also of your own birthright and existence as a timeless soul and infinitely gifted being, whose destiny has no limits. We are the masterpiece of the divine. We are masters in our own right in the great ocean of unity and oneness. Our awakening is merely the manner by which we are revealed to ourselves and each other.”

Afra Akshobhya Alpha Adelphia Amitaba Amoghasiddhi Amorylias Amarerasu Amazonia Amen Bey Amerisssis Amethyst Apollo & Lumina Amitabha Amoghasiggi Amora Anubis Appollo Acturus Ares Astarte Aurora Archangel Chamuel & Charity Archangel Gabriel & Hope Archangel Jophiel & Christine Archangel Michael & Faith Archangel Raphael & Mother Mary Archangel Uriel & Aurora Archangel Zadkiel & Amethyst Archangel Uzziel Arcturus & Victoria Aries & Thor Babaji Beloved Jesus Christ Bethal Black Elk Brahma Brahma |
Buddha Buddha of the Ruby Ray Casimir Poseidon Cassiopea Chananda Chairty Chanera Chief Seattle Crystal Buddha of Free Will Confucious Cyclopea Dom Ignacio Dwal Kul Elijah El Morya Enoch Eriel Ernon Eros Faith Fortuna Freya Gabriel Ganesha Gautama Buddha God & Goddess Meru God & Goddess of Gold Goddess of Freedom Goddess of Harmony Goddess of Liberty Goddess of Light Goddess of Peace Goddess of Victory Goddess of Purity Godfre Great Divine Director Great Silent Watcher Guatama Buddha |
Guru Ma Harmony Hathor Helios Hera Hercules Hermes Heros Hine-nui-te-po Hope Horus Hilarion Immaculata Inanna Ishvara Isolde Isis Jesus John the Babtist Joohiel Justinius Kali Krishna Kuthumi Kuan Yin Kuan-ti Lady Nada Lady Venus Lakshmi Lao Tze Lanello Leonora Leto Lord Himalaya Lord Lanto Lord Maitreya Lotus Lords of Karma |
Lumina Ma’at Maha Chohan Makakala Maitreya Manjushri Mary Magdalene Maximus Melchizidek Meta Mighty Cosmos Mighty Victory Milarepa Moses Mother Dhiyani Mother Mary Ninguerre Omega Omri Tas Oromasis Osiris Padma Sambhava Parvati Pallas Athena Paul the Venetian Paravati Peace Pegasus Polingyama Portia Purity Ptah Queen of Light Quetzacoaltal Ra Ramu Rapheal Ratasnabhava |
Rai of Suern Ray-O-Light Ratnasambhava Rose of Light Sanat Kumara Saraswati Serapis Bey Seven Solar Logoi Shiva Saint Germain Sitataptatra St Anthony St Germain ST John the Baptist Surya Tanus Tatiana Thomas Merton Tsukuyomi The Seraphim Tellis Good Morning Theosophia Uriel Uzziel Vairochana Vaivasvata Manu Vajrasattva Vesta Victoria Virginia Vishnu Vwymus Virgo Yemayah Yogananda White Tara Zadkiel |