Divine Alignment for Awakening

June 21st Solstice Focus with the Great Masters

The outpouring of the Great Masters has begun for the Summer Solstice stellar alignment that comes into its most intensified focus June 19th thru 23rd with Solstice taking place on the 21st. This intensification of love and wisdom bestows a general broadcast of divine light into the hearts and minds of all receptive souls and a far more specific potency of illumination and wisdom upon those initiates and adepts who have made the commitment to the spiritual path, enlightenment and a life of service. This alignment is a magnificently auspicious time for vibrational quickening, clarity of higher guidance, divine manifestation and inner transformation. I welcome all friends and fellow seekers to observe this holy time of the alignment of the Shambala Councils of the true Brotherhood of Light, the Immortal Masters who have long guided humanity to ever-advance into the spiritual kingdom, with the mastery that will shine its grace, love and intelligence upon the world.  Blessings to all for a profoundly healing and uplifting Solstice Alignment. May your illumination be multiplied many fold!

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